Top Kid-Friendly Dog Breeds

Hoping to get a new family-friendly dog breed? Jordan Walker, content curator of Coops and Cages, will help you narrow down your options and select the perfect dog breed that would be right for your kids.
cute dogThere are a lot of things that need to be considered prior to getting a new pet. . The price of a pet is not just the main concern for families with kids; the dog’s appearance and temperament must also be considered. If you’re looking for kid-friendly breeds, you should focus on calmer, playful, and active breeds.
Since there are plenty of dog breeds to choose from, selecting a child-friendly breed can be quite tricky. To help you make up your mind, here are the top 5 child-friendly dog breeds to choose from.

Picture1This is the largest among the  dog breeds list, which has a life span of 10 to13 years. If you’re looking for a dog breed that’s reliable, friendly, and smart, then you can always count on the Golden Retriever as it possesses such qualities. They are also patient, so rest assured they can get along well with the kids. And because it enjoys playing, it can match your child’s level of activeness.

Picture1The Labrador Retriever or Lab is one of the medium-sized dog breeds, which are considered as kid-friendly. They are known to be naturally good-tempered and can keep up with children’s liveliness. It is protective, playful, and loving – all the qualities you’re searching for in a child-friendly breed. You can ensure that your child will always feel safe, and look forward to his playtime with your Lab. It is not only sweet, but is intelligent as well.

Picture2Younger children sometimes have the tendency to fear larger dog breeds that is why some families opt to get gentle smaller breeds. Among these breeds would be the Beagle, which is known to be the ideal pet breed for families with kids. They are bursting with energy for play, and are very friendly, so they easily get along with children. They are basically childproof and energetic. You may even expect them to show signs of exhaustion after the kids tire out.

Picture3German Shepherd dogs are among the large dog breeds that are intelligent and agile. They are obviously outgoing, kind, and gentle, which are among the qualities that make a dog child-friendly. These qualities also make them ideal companions, guardians, and watchdogs.

Picture4The Newfoundland or Newfie is among the large breeds that don’t intimidate the kids because they are usually very sweet. They are even dubbed as “Nature’s Nannies” because of their inherent love or children. They are also smart, and are always enthusiastic about bonding and enjoying with humans.

When it comes to choosing a pet for the kids, the children’s safety should always be a priority. Therefore, you need to choose dog breeds that are trainable and gentle – the kind of breed that would make you feel comfortable and at ease, even when your pet is out of its portable dog playpen, playing comfortably with younger children.

Image Source: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Picture1Author: Jordan Walker

Jordan likes to write many pet-related blogs, and is also the lead content curator for Coops and Cages. His passion for animals is only matched by his love for ‘attempting’ to play the guitar. Catch him on Google+ or Twitter: @CoopsAndCages.



  1. Wow, what an excellent dog picture.

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