Four Paws Pet Sitting is now in Durham, NC

Four Paws Pet Sitting is accepting new clients in Durham, NC. At Four Paws Pet Sitting our pet sitters are professional pet care employees, who are background checked, bonded and insured, and prepared for emergencies. We are a local company and pet sitters are interviewed in person. When you choose Four Paws Pet Sitting, you get a mature, professional, reliable pet sitter whose focus is caring for your pets just as you would.  

Pet Services: Professional in-home pet sitting, vacation visits, mid day dog walks, overnight visits, house sitting, medicine administration, and pet taxi services. Visits include lots of love, feeding, brushing, fresh water, dog walks, kitty litter scooped, mail & newspaper brought in, adjusting lights/shades — All customized to your pet’s schedule.

Service Area: Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, Morrisville, Garner, Knightdale, Wake Forest, Brier Creek, Fuquay-Varina, Durham, and Chapel Hill NC.

Request Information 

Dog Parks in Durham, NC

Durham, NC is home to many large and nice dog parks. Durham, NC is a great place for dog walking and getting your fur babies some exercise and play. Dog waking is essential to keeping your pets healthy. Please be mindful of bringing your dogs around other animals as sickness can be passed. If your dog enjoys being around other dogs then please look at some of the parks below for a fun day of play!



10 Dog Walking Tips Everyone Should Know

Source: last accessed 15Sep2018. 

We all know that we’re supposed to walk our dogs at least once a day, and yet studies have shown that 20% of us don’t walk our dogs everyday.

If you want to start walking your dog every day it comes down to getting motivated and making it a habit. Remember that walking isn’t just good exercise for you, it’s important to your dogs overall well being.

Here’s a list of 10 dog walking tips that will make your walks smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your dog.


10 Dog Walking Tips Everyone Should Know

The Little Things That Separate and Unite Cat Owners vs Dog Owners

The Little Things That Separate and Unite Cat Owners vs Dog Owners

Keeping Your Fur-Baby Safe in Heat

As it starts to warm up, I wanted to share a quick article on keeping your pet safe in hot weather.

Whiskers, Why do Cats Have Them?


Everyone knows that whiskers are one the of cutest features on cats, but did you know that they serve a very specific function in your cat’s well-being?
Whiskers are unlike human hair or even the rest of your cat’s fur. They are especially thick and embedded deeply in the cat’s body. They connect directly to muscular and nervous system, which makes them extremely sensitive, sending a signal throughout the cat’s body to alert them of even slight changes in air currents.
Whiskers are used to sense distance between the cat and objects surrounding them, helping to prevents head bumps on the wall, etc. They’re also used to help the cat know if he can fit in to small spaces. The whiskers are usually as broad as the cat is wide, so if the whiskers can fit into a small space without being pushed down then the cat should fit. The whisker check doesn’t necessarily work if the cat is overweight. Of course, when it comes to cardboard boxes cat’s don’t seem to have any qualms about whether they can fit, they will make it happen.

The whiskers above the cat’s eyes, kind of like eyebrows, help your cat especially when hunting. Touching these whiskers will trigger a blink reaction which protects kitty’s eyes from branches, leaves, or other animals.

There are also whiskers on the backside of cat’s wrist which aid in hunting. The whiskers tell the cat if their prey is moving. And using these senses, the cat can adjust his hold on prey until he’s able to deliver a swift kill.

Observing whisker movement is one of the indicators to understand your cat’s mood. Since the whiskers detect changes in air currents, forward facing whiskers indicate your cat is hunting or sensing the environment. If whiskers are pushed back against their face it indicates your cat is preparing for battle and doesn’t want their whiskers to get damaged. Whiskers hanging loosely down means your cat is comfortable and relaxed. My cats like to be unpredictable, so remember whisker position is not the only indicator of kitty’s mood, look for all signs if you want to know what your cat’s thinking.
Children should be told from a very young age to not mess with cat whiskers. The whiskers are very sensitive and if damaged it could cause pain and trauma for your cat. Children are much more likely to cut a cat’s whiskers if curious and given the chance. If your cat’s whiskers are cut, you can expect to see scared and disoriented behavior. Your cat may also bump into things a lot. Don’t expect a lot of play, most will spend their time laying until the whiskers grow back to a normal length. Even if the whiskers aren’t cut, cats do not like their whiskers played with because it confuses their senses. If cat’s whiskers are disturbed regularly your cat may start to behave aggressively when people are near his face, which is definitely undesirable behavior. Just remember, even if it’s funny to play with your cat’s whiskers while he’s asleep, whiskers aren’t toys.

If your cat’s whiskers become damaged naturally and are only slightly bent you need not worry. They may not straighten back out, but whiskers fall out over time and regrow. As long as they’re still wider than your cat’s face you should still see normal behavior. You may find whiskers around the house as they fall out, they’re very sharp and may feel needle-like if stepped on. Giving your cat exclusive places for him to scratch his face should help contain the whisker-needles, as cats will aid the natural process by scratching their faces on objects. Cats also have a large number of sensory receptors in the cheeks so it’s a real treat for them to rub their faces on everything.
Cat are wonderful pets and if you have one or intend to get one it’s best to know everything you can about your furry buddy.

Michelle Falk-Nixon

Does Your Dog Eat Poop? Nasty, Right?


Coprophagia is the ingestion of feces by an animal and is quite common in dogs.
Some eat their own stool, some eat the stool of other dogs, and some eat the stool of other animals such as cats.

Do you have a dog that does this?
While disgusting to humans, fresh stool from healthy, domesticated animals is generally safe to eat.

According to the ASPCA the motivations your dog may have for eating its own feces include perfectly natural doggie instincts, but may also indicate some form of malnourishment.

Health risks are possible when dogs eat the feces of wild animals who are infested with internal parasites or of free-roaming cats who are infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Unvaccinated dogs are at particular risk for contracting parvovirus or hepatitis if they eat the stool of infected dogs.

Vaccinate your dogs!

Most coprophagics are simply healthy dogs who need a program that combines obedience training, careful management, environmental enrichment, and, possibly, a dietary adjustment to achieve success.

The treatment plan may vary depending on whether the dog is consuming his own feces or the feces of others.

For the autocoprophagic, leash walks for elimination are mandatory.

You have to clean up the stool quicker than the dog can eat it.

Use of a head halter will give you control of the dog’s head.

Teach the dog to hold a sit and stay a few steps away from the pile so you can clean up.

After you pick up, reward the dog with a high-value treat before releasing him from the stay.

We recommend Sally Said So Dog Training if  you are looking for help with ending this nasty habit.

We at Four Paws Pet Sitting Services, will make sure your dog is not doing this while we are on walks.

We also will always pick up after your pet.

What Pet Supplies Do You Need For a New Dog?

New Dog Shopping List created by FIGO Pet Insurance

How to Turn Your Rescue into a Well-Behaved Pet

DogBlogPhoto by PublicDomainPicture

There’s no greater gift you can give to a rescue than a loving home. And while you can rest assured your new furry family member appreciates every ounce of love you send their way, that doesn’t always mean they’re going to be a perfect fur angel.

As you know, rescues come from all walks of life. Some may be needing a new home after their elderly caregiver has passed away. Some may have been abandoned or neglected by their previous owners. Some may have already spent a good deal of time in a rescue facility or foster home. Whatever your rescue’s background, you may not truly get a feel for their level of training until you’ve brought them home. So, what can you do to turn a rescue with no training into a well-behaved pet? Here are a few tips:

Set them up for success. Moving to your home will be a big transition for your new pooch, so do what you can ahead of time to make the change as easy as possible for them. First, do a sweep of your home with an eye out for hazardous materials, such as cleaning supplies or small objects that could end up being choking hazards. Make sure these are safely stored away before your pet arrives. Then, do a sweep of your home looking for factors that might get your pooch into trouble. For example, if there’s an antique chair and you’d be devastated if it were chewed on, move it to an area of your home that will be off limits to your pet. If you have a fenced-in backyard, make sure there are no escape routes and keep a close eye on whether your pet is a digger. Taking precautions early on can make the whole transition go a lot more smoothly.

Make training a family affair. Your kids are probably even more excited than you to bring home your new four-legged family member. They’ll want to show your pooch affection and get as much affection back as possible, so they may shower your pet with treats and encourage bad behavior, especially if it’s funny–what’s more hilarious than watching dad’s slipper get ripped to shreds! So, from day one, make sure your kids are on board with training. Be sure they’re aware of what behaviors to look out for and know how to handle them. Make sure they help your new dog avoid problems by picking up toys, shoes, socks, etc., that a not-yet-trained pooch might mistake for a toy. Keep in mind that it will be helpful for your kids to know basic commands, like sit and stay, so if possible have them come with you to your pet’s obedience classes.


Get them on a schedule. Right away, get your rescue on an eating and potty schedule. This routine will make life easier on both of you. If you’re lucky the rescue facility that previously housed your pet, already had them on a good schedule. Check with them to see what time your pet will expect to eat, how often your pet typically needs to potty, and so on. The structure a schedule provides will help you both get settled into your new life together. This is also another great way to involve your children. If you have an older, responsible child, assign them to fill up your dog’s water and/or food bowl each morning before school. Younger kids can be in charge of alerting you any time they see your pooch waiting by the door to go outside. Of course, you’ll still need to keep an eye on these things yourself, but assigning these chores to your kids keeps them involved in the training process and can help create consistency with the whole family.

Socialize your pooch. One great way to help your pooch get used to being around other dogs is an obedience class. Many pet stores offer them. Just check with one in your area or ask your vet for a recommendation. If you’re confident your rescue can handle being around other dogs, you can help them further socialize and get out some energy at your local dog park. Dog parks are also great places for your kids to practice using commands they’ve learned on your dog. Most cities and towns, regardless of size, have at least one bark park for their local dog owners.

Know how to handle disobedience. There’s a good chance your rescue had a hard life before coming to live with you. Keep that in mind the first time they chew on something they shouldn’t have or have an accident on your new rug. Do not ever yell at or threaten to hit your rescue. Instead, ignore bad behavior while rewarding the good. When your dog does something right, give them a treat. That way they’ll associate the behavior with something good. Make sure your kids know how to handle bad behavior. If for example, their favorite shoe gets chewed, tell them they should let you know rather than scold or yell at the dog. At the same time, they shouldn’t hide a pooch’s bad behavior either. Make it clear that the dog won’t be “punished” for bad behavior, but you still need to know about it in order to plan the dog’s training properly. And by all means, be patient. Despite the old saying, old dogs can learn new tricks; it may just take them a little longer.

While getting a rescue is certainly exciting, it usually doesn’t take long for reality to set in once you get them home. But not to worry, while rescue dogs need a lot of love and attention, they’ll give it back to you in bundles.


Dog Scooting, What’s Behind It?

scootHave you ever seen your dog scoot his butt across the ground and wondered what the heck that’s all about?
This will teach you what you never thought you wanted to know, but what is very important to your pet’s health.

You may have heard the words anal glands associated with this behavior.
Technically they are anal sacs which contain glands, but I won’t go into detail yet because I don’t want to scare you all away before the important stuff.
There is some question about the purpose of the fluid emitted by the sacs.
Some believe it is saturated with “scent-formation” that provides essentially the same information your dog gets by sniffing butts.
Some believe it contains territory marking scent and others believe it is released to lubricate the anus during defecation.
Whatever the reason for its existence, it is a fluid that needs be expelled from the body regularly, like urine, because it contains toxins.

The sacs contain copious amounts of sweat and oil produced by the respective glands contained within.
These make up a very stinky brownish fluid that is released through very small ducts which lead to the inner edge of the anus. gland
If the fluid builds up it becomes more and more solid until it cannot pass through the ducts anymore, which is called impaction.
If the impacted sacs are not corrected quickly it can lead to infection and eventually abscess.

For most dogs the oily-like fluid is expelled naturally during defecation. However for approximately 12% of dogs, especially small breeds, this process does not occur naturally and requires intervention.
Some dogs have unusually small ducts and it makes it difficult for even the normal fluid to move.
Your veterinarian has the knowledge to manually express the sacs of fluid by gently pressing on them, an altogether unpleasant experience for everyone involved.
Frequent trips to the vet can become quite expensive.
If you’re looking for a way to help your buddy without dropping all your dough, you can start by increasing the fiber in your pet’s diet.
It is commonly believed that if your pup has to pass a large stool, large enough to expand the anus, the stool will push against the sacs releasing the fluid naturally.

Because some of you may be concerned about your pet’s comfortability during the big-poo process, let me calm your fears and tell you that dogs cannot get hemorrhoids. Also, in comparison to having icky anus toxins stuck in their body, a large poo has to feel quite pleasant.
A consistently high-fiber diet may be the solution to an occasional booty-scoot, but if your dog has had the scooting issue for a while it could be too late for just a diet change. Impaction often presents itself through inflammation and pain, and sometimes the impacted sacs are pushed to the surface and become visible. So if your dog has pain passing stool and his butt doesn’t look normal, it’s time to visit the vet.
In severe cases your vet may recommend surgery to drain the sacs. Or if the issue occurs frequently your vet may recommend surgically removing the sacs to avoid future complications.
If you’re a very brave soul you can ask your vet (and some groomers) how to express the anal sacs yourself.
If your vet thinks home care will be enough to keep your pet healthy then don’t forget to buy gloves!

Help your buddy stay healthy by watching his bowel movements (it’s not gross because you love him!) If his droppings seem small or mushy, start with diet change, including reducing or removing soft food.
Watch for sore-butt behavior. It’s not always scooting, it could be biting at the anus or base of the tail, pain or discomfort sitting on rear end, or inflammation.
This article focuses on dogs, but cats and other mammals also have anal sacs. When in doubt, seek professional help!

As pet sitters, we will let you know if we see this behavior.

Looking for a Pet Sitter?
Four Paws Pet Sitting Services serves Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, Morrisville, Garner and Wake Forest NC.

Thanks to Michelle Falk-Nixon for this important article.